CLD – The Real Lewis Carroll

The Real Lewis Carroll

CLD – The Real Lewis Carroll is the real story of Charles Dodgson – the shy young mathematician at Christ Church College, Oxford who wrote the ‘Alice’ books as Lewis Carroll.

This ultimate Oxford musical uses his absurd ‘Alice’ characters, text and songs to reveal the tragic story of his love affair with Lorina Liddell – Alice’s mother in real life. Meanwhile, Lewis Carroll keeps an eye on proceedings.

* * * * ‘Plays to See’ Review

“. ..remarkably good and seriously stimulating of thought about the life of this unusual man….. production is an exemplar of a very fine kind of theatre magic”

“….. clever….witty…. and the songs are quite catchy”

“ …all works a treat an evening of well-directed (by David Kettle) theatre of a simple and intimate variety. “

“Full praise to the cast and creatives, not least Jane Bramwell, who wrote the book and lyrics”.

* * * ‘The Stage’ Review

“….. an assured and accomplished creation…….”

“… a fun story.…”


Suitable for all the family


Will You Won’t You

Mark This Day

Mad Hatter / Beautiful Soup

Wages Of Sin

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